Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Lilac Window Box in Santa Fe" by Karla Nolan, framed painting on glass

ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.

A NOTE: This time I have outdone myself. Or maybe not! If all goes as expected, I should be a very happy camper. I have been commissioned to paint an 18"x36" painting on glass. Now, you must remember how difficult it is to do this type of work. This art work goes to a very special friend and I have taken my time getting around to doing it -- I like to let the ideas swirl around my head. My best ideas often occur early in the morning or during a shower. Go figure. I don't always understand the creative process, I am just glad if I have the process. Why such a length explanation? Because I plan to "re-run" some of my previous glass paintings during this painting process. Promise to show you my painting when it's finished, though!

This is a window box I saw a while back while walking into art galleries on the famous Canyon Road in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I'm sure that you are aware that this is a premier, internationally known art town. People from around the world flock to it to take a dip in the rarefied atmosphere of unconventional and amazing Santa Fe. Adobe everywhere, the oldest town in North America -- a great amount of history here. And phenomenal art, ranging from classical and representational to far out contemporary, and that's not including the sculptures! Go....visit!!!!!

"Lilac Window Box in Santa Fe", 6"x9" framed painting on glass, $165 includes s&n in N. America if shipped from my studio, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at KarlaNolan@gmail.com for more information

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the more the merrier....

NEWS: I was accepted by Dobbin Gallery, 175 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina, for representation in their art gallery with paintings on glass, pastels, oils and table jewelry. Please visit their gallery when in town! It's a lovely place.
...And...I am also a Wild Hands Art Gallery artist, on Pearl Street in Jackson, Wyoming, with my paintings on glass!
...More....I am proud to announce that Common Ground Western Art in Red Lodge, Montana, is now representing me, also.

I posted items in Karla Nolan Table Jewelry and Karla Nolan Judaica recently. You might enjoy checking those blogspots. Special treats for special people and times -- Judaica art and miniature encrusted with shells, crystals, and semi-precious stones sculptures.







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