Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Anemones: The Tears of Aphrodite" by Karla Nolan, FRAMED glass painting

ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.

Here's a little story for you: There is a legend about the flower, anemone, otherwise known as windflowers. the word is derived from the Greek anemos, which means wind. Their long stems sway with the breezes. In Greek mythology when Adonis, who was loved by Aphrodite for his beauty was killed by a boar which he had wounded, Aphrodite (who was the goddess of love) bent over his body, weeping. It was where her tears fell to the ground that the anemones first sprang. Isn't that a lovely but sad story?

"Anemones: The Tears of Aphrodite", 8"x10" framed glass painting (measured edge to edge glass), $340 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write for more information; thanks for looking!

There's a lot of news to tell you! Go below to the live links for more information. Thanks for looking!

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