Thursday, September 30, 2010

Southwest Art Cover

I am very excited to be chosen for the cover of the October 2010 Southwest Art Magazine. The painting featured is an Acrylic landscape Summer in Colorado 48 x 36 and is available at Brushstrokes Studio Gallery. The article entitled " Focus on Rocky Mountain Artists also features some of my landscape work.
I know this blog is usually a venue for my daily paintings but I thought it would be nice to let everyone know what is happening in my day to day art life.
I'm in partnership with two incredible Denver artists Kit Hevron Mahoney and Anita Mosher. Collectively we own and operate Brushstrokes Studio Gallery. It's a working studio gallery located in Denver Colorado. We have had the good fortune of creating and showcasing our work at the gallery for the past eight years and plan to continue our artistic destiny. We are having a show entitled The Landscape Personified and will open Friday October 1, 2010. Check out our web site to see the paintings for the show.

Enough for now and back to daily paintings next week!

John K. Harrell Fine Art

My Daily Painting Journal


  1. Congratulations, John! This is great exposure!

  2. John...Congrats on the cover of Southwest magazine! Glad you posted it. I just bought my copy at Barnes and Noble and was so happy to see you on the cover. Great job and awesome painting...Hope to meet you soon...Angeli

  3. What a smart choice they made!

  4. Beautiful painting. Congratulations.

  5. Wow what an honor!!Congrats on the beautiful cover and painting!!

  6. Congratulations! It's a beautiful painting.
