Friday, October 1, 2010

"Aurora Borealis Sundown" by Karla Nolan, palette knife oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas

This painting is more experimental than usual for me.  It is painted with only palette knives but is smooth rather than highly textured.  The blending of the oil paints was the fun part and still the difficult aspect of this work.  It was reminiscent of photographs I've seen featuring an aurora borealis; I haven't been so fortunate as to actually see a real one.  Maybe someday?  Who knows?

"Aurora Borealis Sundown", 12"x24" palette knife oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas, $575, Paypal accepted, s&h to be determined at time of sale, click button below to buy or write me at for more information -- and thank you for looking!

MORE NEWS: at KarlaNolanBlogspot

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful and believe me, representative of the real thing!
