Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Morning Walk" by Janice Wright

Acrylic on standard-width canvas
unframed (ready to be framed)

14" x 18"

This is another painting that I started a while ago. If a painting isn't working, I will gesso over it and reuse the canvas, but I still felt that this painting had potential. Putting a painting away for a while and then viewing it later allows you to see it with a fresh perspective. I noted that the "hard edges" were clearly a problem. (something that an acrylic painter has to be especially careful with as the paint dries so fast) I softened edges by drybrushing. I added in the stop signs - I like the way they frame the couple walking with their dog. A few hilights and I am now fairly satisfied with this piece!
To contact me, or to see more of my artwork, visit my website.

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