Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Deconstructed Flower Field" by Karla Nolan, framed glas painting

ALERT: You are about to view art of a different nature. These are paintings on glass -- that is, painted directly onto glass with specially formulated glass paints. They are always framed for the protection of the glass. The paints often are transparent and sometimes opaque, giving a stained glass appearance under good light. They, like all fine art, should not be hung in direct sunlight. The photographs do not do them justice -- my colors are very vibrant. Close ups are available, just e-mail me for information (see below). In most instances, click on the actual image for an even larger image to view -- you'll see lots of different items such as marbelization, transparent or opaque parts of the work -- try it and see! Commissions are accepted.

It seems to me, and I want to preface this by saying that not every artist would agree with this, that experimentation is crucial in the growth of an artist. I find that if I don't "play", I don't grow. The idea of pulling apart the view of a flower field could be an interesting bit of work. Take the sky away, pull away the actual flowers, their stems and leaves, the grasses that grow beneath and what do you have? A deconstructed flower field. Hopefully it encourages one to rethink what one sees. Does that work for you?

"Deconstructed Flower Field" approximately 8"x10" measured edge to edge glass, sold FRAMED as shown for protection of glass, $345 includes s&h in N. America, Paypal preferred, click button below or write me at for more details or a close up photo

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