Thursday, October 7, 2010

"FIVE POPPIES," revised 10118, daily painter textured floral © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Five Poppies, revised

Five Poppies, original

Sometimes I have to live with a painting for a while before I know how to proceed with it.  This time I got a hint from a collector who came to my studio to commission a floral painting similar to this one.  He wanted poppies like these, but in a large square format.  He also said he wanted less "stemminess" - we laughed about this made up word.

Looking at this painting, I realized that the bottom third of the painting was mostly stems and the painting seemed top heavy. I needed to do something to add more "weight" to the bottom.

I think the leaf forms torn from patterned paper adds the appropriate amount of interest and weight to this painting.  Thanks to Jim for pointing out the excessive "steminosity" in the original version.  Now the revised version is correctly "stemified."

For purchase information, please click here to see my website.

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