Thursday, October 7, 2010

Near Lizard Head Pass by Pam Holnback

Near Lizard Head Pass
Oil  6" x 8"
$100.00 + $10. s/h

This is Jill Carver demoing.   The last day of Jill's workshop was spent in a big, open field surrounded by incredible peaks, great colors, and sheep.  Some of her main points from this day were:

-- When going from a small plein air piece to a large studio painting refer to your small study and a black and white photo for correct values.
--Keep the greatest contrast of color and value near the focal point.
--Keep the hardest edges near to the focal point and soften edges far away from it.
--There are warm and cool tones within both light and shadow.
--Don't over exaggerate the strong fall colors.
--When starting your piece make it a sunny or a cloudy painting, then stick w/ that.  Don't change the light as the clouds and light change (as it did all day for us).

It was a great workshop.  Jill is not only a good artist and teacher, but a down to earth person, w/ a great sense of humor who is fun to be with for a week.  We were very limited to our dinner and lodge choice in the small town of Rico.  So, we also all spent every evening eating together and all stayed at the same lodge.  But, this allowed for more camaraderie, sharing, getting to know Jill, the other students, and the spouses who came along.  I learned a lot, made new friends and spent a week in the Colorado out doors.

An absolutely beautiful location for a fall plein air workshop.

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