Friday, October 8, 2010


Hello! This is my first posting on Daily Painters of Colorado. I painted this 7" x 7" (oil on board) painting this afternoon. Snow fell on the mountain peaks last night. I live in the Arkansas Valley, here in Colorado, surrounded by 14,000 foot peaks. Although it was mostly sunny this morning, by afternoon the clouds and some cold drizzle had surrounded my studio. Hmmm.... I needed something cheerful.

Looking through my reference photos I came across this special poppy that grew in my sidewalk garden this summer. It was the prettiest poppy, and many folks on their way to the park or out walking their dogs would pause and reflect on it's beauty. Perhaps you would like to pick up this painting and admire the poppy also! Price: $85.00 (includes shipping in the continental USA)

Susan Spohn

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