Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"AUTUMN SONG," 10163, mixed media aspen collage © Carol Nelson Fine Art




This piece is a true mixed media painting.  It has suede leather, aluminum foil, patterned felt, wc paper, and burlap on a textured panel.  I worked on this painting on and off all last week.  There were several points where I applied some part and then had to wait overnight for the gel medium to dry.

Originally, I was playing around using real aspen twigs in the piece.  I collected several twigs from the yard and tried to incorporate them into the design.  Aspen branches do not grow flat! I could have overcome that problem, but my biggest concern was what would happen to them over time - would they deteriorate?  I coated some with gel medium and they looked great, but I still was worried about the longevity. If anyone out there has any experience with using real tree branches in artwork, I would like to know about it.

For purchase information, please click here to go to my website.

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