Friday, May 6, 2011

Self-Portrait, Colorado Artist Julie Kirkland, Oil Paintings

I hope that this doesn't scare you!  I'm one of 10 artists who study with Tim Deibler every other week .  This week's classwork was to paint a self-portrait, and I fully didn't intend to do so.  I've never been tempted to paint myself at all.  But fate conspired against me as this week's Daily Painters Challenge was to paint, you guessed it, a self-portrait.  Fortunately, the challenge specified that you could be serious or silly.  I grabbed on to silly!  I've had a lot of fun comments about it from fellow daily painters on the site and I feel like it captures a major part of me!  Self-portrait, oil, 8x10. 

See my more "serious" artwork at
You can contact the more business-like me by emailing

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