Friday, January 27, 2012

Chicken Painting Artist, Janice Warriner

About 5 years ago, my family lived on a small acreage. It's a good thing we moved to Colorado, because I would've probably ended up on animal hoarders. For Mothers day, I got 3 lambs, for my birthday, we went to a chicken auction, where we got over 20 chickens and roosters. For Easter I got 2 twin lambs that needed to be bottle fed...should I keep going? Because I could! Getting 24 baby chicks in the mail ..yes the post office was especially exciting! Anyways, someone asked me to paint her some paintings of chickens so I got out our farm pics and started going through them. I ended up going on a chicken painting craze!

See more on my blog at
For availability, please contact me, or visit my website at

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