Monday, October 3, 2011

Habitat for Humanity donation.

"Habitat for Birds"

I get myself in trouble by agreeing, or signing up to do things that seem far-off in the future.  Well, the future is now here and it all seems to be descending on my this month with 5 opening receptions at shows in which I have work on display.  I also have to teach a 2 day workshop, start teaching a 5 week class, and had this fundraiser piece due.

The above piece I kind of threw together, this time to benefit Habitat for Humanity.  The premise was that selected artists got to go to a Habitat store in Denver, select up to $100 in merchandise, and create a painting with it.

The show is called "Open Doors," so many artist picked up a door and painted on it.  I wanted to do something different.  After all, mixed media is right up my alley.  I wandered around the store, where all the merchandise is donated, trying to find stuff that would inspire a painting.

In keeping with my forest abstract series, I came up with this from the pieces of wood, MDF board, tile, marble trim, and stair banister spindles.  In retrospect, it would have been much easier to just paint something on a door.

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