Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just Outside of Leadville by Pam Holnback

Just Outside of Leadville
16" x 20" oil on stretched canvas
$495.00 + $20. s/h
If interested in purchasing, there is a Paypal button on my blog:

As the title says, this ranch is just outside of Leadville, Colorado.  This is from a trip we took there in early September.  It's now abandoned, and like many relics from the old west, falling apart.  But, I wondered about the families who lived there in the past.  And, at this Thanksgiving season thought it an appropriate piece to post when I'm thinking about all that I have for which I am thankful.  A ranch like this couldn't have operated if everyone didn't pull their weight and help each other.  I'm sure that the families who sat around this dinner table were thankful for each other everyday.   

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  And may we all be thankful for our families, friends, and health.

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