Thursday, February 10, 2011

"KITCHEN SCENE" 11008 daily painter still life © Carol Nelson Fine Art


It felt so good to do this painting.  I have not done an oil painting yet this year, except for that manikin study a couple days ago.

Although I love acrylics, with all the fabulous mediums and effects you can achieve, there is no substitute for the luscious "paintability" of oils.  It's such fun to push the paint around.

Here we have two of my big black coffee mugs sitting on the counter with an apple and an orange - it was kind of an oval looking orange, but an orange none the less.  The warm tones and reflections inspired me.

Oh God, I'm flip flopping again.  Abstraction back to realism. Forgive me, dear readers, if you tuned in expecting to see an abstract composition.  There is one on the easel, however.  

As I was doing this painting, I was cursing my brushes.  I am the world's foremost abuser of brushes.  My acrylic brushes sit in water for weeks. As luck would have it, there is an art supply/framing store near me that is going out of business - 70% off art supplies.  I BOUGHT 26 BRUSHES!  WOO HOO. Back in business.

For purchase information on this 6x6 painting, click here to go to my website.

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