Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Chickadee Cheer" Bird Painting by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

9 x 7 Acrylic on #1 Pine
Ready to hang or display on a tabletop easel

Chickadees are one of my favorite little birds. We have many in our backyard and their song and calls are so happy and appealing. We have a nesting box that is filled with baby Chickadees that should Fledge soon. I watch the box daily as mom and dad constantly bring treats to the many little ones we can hear calling to them. I know once they are out of the box it won't be long before they are on there own. Before they take flight to far away places, it is my wish that they will spend some time in our plum tree as other babies have before them.

For more information on the purchase of this original piece, email me at:

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