Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'Apple Core', Contemporary Realism by Paula Peacock

Apple Core, 6" x 6", Oil on Wrap Around Canvas

To purchase this painting please contact me at
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Thanks to all who visited my studio during the Longmont Studio Tour Weekend! Lots of new faces as well as a few that I hadn't seen in a few years. It was nice to catch up. Though it is a lot of work preparing for the event, it is always well worth it. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

As I sit here with Ziggy laying across my feet (big orange kitty, on his back, feet in the air and doing a great job of imitating road kill), we are contemplating the direction my art should go in. Some of it is what I call the 'Traditional Still Life' genre. It is always nice, safe, sells, rarely stimulates conversation.
On the other hand, is what I call my 'Gotta Laugh to Keep from Crying' (aka contemporary still life) genre. It is always fun, frustrating, makes me laugh and curse at the same time, rarely sells but always engages the viewer and generates conversation.

See my dilemma? Sell or not to sell? Stimulating to some or stimulating to several? Safe or fun/frustrating? Ziggy and I are not agreeing on this fork in the road. In fact we kind of have a bet going on as to the outcome.

Go to my website,, browse through the various 'genres' and let me know what you think.

Ziggy and I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. I often contemplate the same question, Paula. And have reached the decision that a artist must create what they react to the most. Yes, we need to bring in some money.... but look at some of the greatest painters in history, by taking chances and determining to paint in their own 'styles' and subject matter, they changed the course of art forever. I am still searching for my personal 'keynote' but that is the adventure of art also.
