Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Engage" Acrylic Paintings by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

I was invited by the Denver Hospice to participate in "The Mask Project" which benefits the hospice in their care of cancer patients. The 3D mask is ceramic and I asked my hubby to router out a cavity in a piece of wood to set the mask in....then I came up with the following piece. Hope you like it.

This painted mask is a tribute to all who have had to reach deep within and bring forth their inner beast to “Engage” in a fight against cancer.

As a cancer survivor, I understand the ups and downs, the uncertainty, the whirlwind of emotions, and the battle. The strength I found within surprised and amazed me.

If anyone you know is in a battle with cancer, encourage them to unleash their inner beast and “Engage”.

Click here to see the side views and blank pallet:

This and other masks will be up for auction to benefit The Denver Hospice.

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